
D I S C O V E R I N G B E A U T Y, E V E R Y W H E R E .



It really is a wonderful life. Beauty is everywhere, waiting to inspire me whenever I take a moment to look and listen. Beauty is a gift to uncover, recreate, and share. I seek the naturally unfolding beauty that dances with and through all things.

I’m that lucky gal who gets up in other people’s business to offer insights, visions, and designs to beautify, attract, and inspire. Designing with diverse people and businesses keeps my work and life evolving and improving.

I have been privileged to earn a degree in graphic design, learn and work under brilliant mentors, and express my professional abilities with masterful business leaders. I am a full-time freelance graphic designer and look forward to the next opportunity to discover the patient beauty waiting to move the world again.

insta: @kerrymachughdesign

L O C A T I O N S :

T I V O L I | N Y

E N C I N I T A S | C A

B A R N E G A T L I G H T | N J